The Cascador ecosystem

Research groups are looking for the origin of medical conditions. Life science companies want to ensure drugs are used correctly or improve treatment plans. Government agencies want to know how drugs and medical devices are used in real life. Yesterday, rather than today. All for better healthcare and, thanks to Cascador, with minimal impact on your workload.

The story of Cascador Health

The origins of Cascador Health lie in a very simple observation: millions of medical data records are generated every single day. Why is so little done with this valuable data? What can be done to boost the uptake of such data?

Trusted Third Party

All real-world data is disclosed 100% compliant with GDPR regulations.

Cascador makes sure all patient data are handled in the correct way: 100% compliant with GDPR, following the highest security standards and using a Trusted Third Party (TTP).

Data Partners

Real-world data from Europe’s leading institutions.

Cascador collaborates with hospitals, research institutions, and life science companies at the cutting edge of their field to ensure the highest quality and integrity of real-world data.

Data Access Partners

Your real-world healthcare data, accessible to the forefront of healthcare innovation.

At Cascador, we believe that groundbreaking healthcare advancements can only be achieved through collaboration. That’s why we partner with leading international organisations to access and conduct research using real-world data. This approach allows us to harness the power of established local hospital networks and diverse datasets, and conduct studies with unmatched scope and generalizability. By leveraging real-world data from around the world, we strive to enhance and speed up our research and improve the lives of people everywhere.

  • Accelerated research progress: by combining resources and expertise across borders, we can accelerate the pace of research. Where our partners already have access to local data holders or hospitals, often with data sharing agreements already in place, the onboarding of new sites for a study will be accelerated.

  • Access to international studies: data access partners often have a local focus or national network coverage, and local sponsors may lack the reach, capabilities or network to run or participate in international studies. Cascador connects these value creators and data access partners to international research initiatives by either international sponsors or Cascador itself.
  • Enhanced generalisability: by incorporating data from a wider range of populations, ethnicities and environments, our research findings have a greater chance of being applicable to a broader patient base. That’s how our insights make a difference in the lives of people around the world.
  • Unique patient populations: partnering with international organisations grants us a higher likelihood to access specific patient populations, to address unmet medical needs and to develop treatment evidence and insights for a wider variety of patients.
  • Diverse medical practices: collaborating with international partners exposes us to a multitude of healthcare practices and treatment approaches.

Academic Network

Shaping and delivering research together with respected Key Opinion Leaders.

Cascador’s network of leading experts leverages valuable insights from the forefront of both healthcare research and practice to increase your impact on the future of healthcare.

Key Opinion Leaders

  • Have developed and expressed thought leadership, through academic contribution, scientific publications, and strong involvement in R&D, Clinical Practice and Clinical Studies
  • Established relationships and authority in the academic world an the life sciences industry

Site Principal Investigators

  • Local sponsorship at the healthcare provider side

  • Ensure local site collaboration and contribution to a study according to the highest standards and in line with commitments

  • Provide access to data, where their department is from site involved in clinical studies
  • Contribute data (prescribing patients to a therapy / device / pharmaceutical) and/or ensure other physicians and staff provide access to relevant data

Research contributors

  • Provide local context and knowledge to studies
  • Review of research approach, objectives, and study protocol
  • Medical writing and manuscript review

Senior Scientific Advisors

Prof. Claus Bachert
Prof. Claus BachertSr Scientific Advisor PI & Chair of the CHRINOSORCRS Registry steering Committee, Belgium
Prof. Zuzana Diamant
Prof. Zuzana DiamantSr Scientific Advisor, The Netherlands

Get in touch!